I was just pondering how much I take the “little” things for granted. Things like having a car to drive and being able to afford to keep it running or food to eat or money to buy a meal when I don’t want to cook or a comfortable home with heat, electricity, and hot & cold water or clothes to wear or a T.V. to watch. All of these “little” things are actually huge and only seem little or easily taken for granted because I can afford them! So, today I am selfishly grateful that I am one of the privileged who doesn’t have to worry about medical bills or food or shelter or any of the basic life necessities. At the same time, I don’t want to fall in the trap of taking these things for granted because they can be stripped away in the blink of an eye. I also don’t want to become hardened and callous to those who do not have. I want to value each person regardless of their life circumstances for who they are – a precious child of God. So thank you, God, that each of us are equally precious in your site and that you value and love each of us – regardless – no strings attached.