Yesterday, I wrote about the joy of God created community. Today, I once again got to experience God’s community working together. I wrote earlier about coming together with other churches in our community (there’s that word again) to gather food for our local pantry. Today we were scheduled to take that food to the pantry for distribution tomorrow. The youth of the church bear the responsibility for this. The youth also had promised to help put flags on the graves of veterans in our cemetery today. That was before the high school volleyball team made it to state competition which was played today. But even before that, the adults in our congregation were challenged to help today.
How wonderful to see God’s people coming together to work together to accomplish God’s work. We have a wonderful showing of youth from 5th grade to high school despite many being otherwise committed. We had a college student who came with his grandpa (who had served in the military) to help- partly because he wanted to be a part of this and partly to fill in for his little brother who has a badly sprained ankle from the first day of basketball try-outs. We had some parents, some veterans. We had people who just wanted to help.
The veteran who organized the flags and his wife provided a light lunch which she fixed and cleaned up while the rest of us did the various jobs. We had everyone working together regardless of age. So again today I am grateful for community. A community that works together and does what needs to be done not for accolades, but because it serves God and one another. I am so thankful to be a part of this Christian community called St. Paul.